Loken says: You seem eager to join your beloved Sif, brother.
Loken yells: ENOUGH!
Loken says: Looks like you can still best me in a fair fight, little brother.
Loken says: Unfortunately for you.... this fight is anything but fair!
Loken says: Thanks to your little friend, you've left the Temple of Storms, where you were at your strongest. Instead we fight closer to my master's power.
Loken says: Minions! Take my brother and his drake to their new dwellings. Make sure the beast makes it alive. I have special plans for the broodmother.
Loken says: As for your life, mortal. I will be generous. After all... why would I destroy my most useful servant? I waited for you for weeks inside that Hyldnir mine.
Loken says: The shape wasn't mine, of course. And had you not been so reckless, you would've seen past my illusion. But you came through for me, and for that... I must thank you!