Quick Facts

The Fate of Flanis

Stormer Ewan Wildwing at Deathforge Tower wants you to search the Deathforge for Flanis Swiftwing and recover Flanis's Pack.
Flanis's Pack


Wing Commander Nuainn originally sent three of us out here to keep watch over the Deathforge and to gather information. Flanis Swiftwing volunteered to try to infiltrate the Deathforge, but we haven't heard anything from him in days.

I fear the worst, <name>. Flanis is a skilled scout, but if he's gotten in over his head, we have no way of knowing. Search the Deathforge for him and recover any information or items he might have collected.




You will receive: 4 10  (or 4 85 if completed at level 80)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 12,300 experience
This quest will be converted to The Fate of Kagrosh if you transfer to Horde.