Quick Facts
A Royal Escort

A Royal Escort

Chromie has asked you to accompany Arthas in the Culling of Stratholme. You are to speak with her again after Mal'Ganis is defeated.


Mal'Ganis Defeated


The Infinite Dragonflight are not likely to give up so easily. I cannot be certain of what they're up to, but something tells me we haven't seen the last of them today.

In just a moment, Arthas will face a desperate dilemma, and make a momentous decision.

Don't lose focus now, <name>. I needn't remind you how much is at stake. I must call upon you to accompany the prince in his culling of Stratholme.

Arthas must make it through Stratholme alive and you must see to it that he defeats Mal'Ganis!



You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Gloves of the Time Guardian Handwraps of Preserved History
Grips of Chronological Events Gauntlets of The Culling
You will also receive: 29 60  (or 56 6 if completed at level 80)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 44,100 experience