Quick Facts

The Fate of Tuurem

Take Vindicator Idaar's Letter to Andarl at the Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest.
Vindicator Idaar's Letter (Provided)


Prophet Velen's search for allies has emboldened those draenei remaining in Outland to begin a search of their own. The Legion's war on my people drove us from our cities and temples, but they have not destroyed the traces of our civilization.

Tuurem, my former home in the Terokkar Forest, was one of the first cities overrun by the orcs. It's been too long since I've received news of its status. Take this letter to Andarl in the Allerian Stronghold within Terokkar and see what you can find out.




You will receive: 15 60 if completed at level 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2,550 experience