Quick Facts
  • Requires Level 24
  • Class: Mage
  • Training cost: 40

Dampen Magic

Dampen MagicRank 2
27% of base mana30 yd range
Instant cast
Dampens magic used against the targeted party member, decreasing damage taken from spells by up to 20 and healing spells by up to 21. Lasts 10 min.


Dampen MagicMagic
Reduces magic damage taken by up to 20 and healing by up to 21.
10 minutes remaining

Spell Details

Duration 10 minutes
School Arcane
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type Magic
GCD category n/a
Cost 27% of base mana
Range 30 yards (Medium Range)
Cast time Instant cast
Cooldown n/a
GCD 1.5 seconds
Effect #1 Apply Aura: Mod Damage Taken Flat (Holy, Fire, Nature, Frost, Shadow, Arcane)
Value: -20
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Mod Healing (Holy, Fire, Nature, Frost, Shadow, Arcane)
Value: -21