Corbett Schneider
The location of this NPC is unknown.Quotes (17)
- Corbett Schneider says: My pleasure, sugar drop. I'll be back soon...
- Corbett Schneider says: Business must be good down at the bazaar. I'll get him resupplied right away!
- Corbett Schneider says: Hm...after dropping this off, I think I'll head to that cheese shop for a snack.
- Corbett Schneider says: I should have a few extra coins from this sale. Maybe I'll buy myself some lunch...
- Corbett Schneider says: Hey, Harlan. Here's a load of knitted cloth for you.
- Corbett Schneider says: Oomph! Here's another load of supplies, Harlan. It must be selling fast!
- Corbett Schneider says: Well, I'm off then. Take care, Harlan.
- Corbett Schneider says: Glad to see you're doing so well, Harlan. And I hope to see you again soon...
- Corbett Schneider says: Now for that snack...
- Corbett Schneider says: Good day, Elling! Hullo Elaine! Let me have a wheel of bleu cheese, eh?
- Corbett Schneider says: Hullo, Trias clan! A ball of your smoked mozzarella, if you please!
- Corbett Schneider says: Yes ma'am, business is brisk!
- Corbett Schneider says: Thank you kindly!
- Corbett Schneider says: Thanks for the cheese!
- Corbett Schneider says: I should get back before Rema starts to worry...
- Corbett Schneider says: Time to get back to the shop...
- Corbett Schneider says: I'm back!