Rifling through the stacks of books and scrolls on the table, Lieutenant Gravelhammer begins to examine one in particular with interest.
Lieutenant Gravelhammer says: What? What's this?!
Lieutenant Gravelhammer says: That is not even remotely imaginable!
Lieutenant Gravelhammer says: Looks like I picked a bad day to stop drinking.
Lieutenant Gravelhammer says: How did this get missed?!
Lieutenant Gravelhammer says: Cap'n, sir, we have a slight problem.
Lieutenant Gravelhammer says: As you say, sir. It would appear that someone failed to mention to me that the druids at the Cenarion Thicket have been wiped out!
Lieutenant Gravelhammer says: Bad news. We've been hit again. They're gone, but the front sentry tower is on fire.
Lieutenant Gravelhammer says: One of our merchants has gone missing!
Lieutenant Gravelhammer says: That group that recently arrived from Honor Hold -- they're mercs! They're starting to stir up trouble. Maybe I should have a talk with them?
Lieutenant Gravelhammer says: One of our scouts is reporting that a shadowy group has moved into the ruins of Grangol'var Village. Oops, this report is over a week old.
Lieutenant Gravelhammer says: We have reports from a scout in the field that one of the Cenarion druids has been taken captive up at Firewing Point.
Lieutenant Gravelhammer says: Aye, aye, sir. Right away!