Hemet Nesingwary says: What a fight you missed, Dorian! It was one for the ages!
Hemet Nesingwary says: There we were, riding into battle at full speed on the back of Stampy...
Hemet Nesingwary says: Everything was shaking all over the place. I could hardly steady my gun.
Hemet Nesingwary says: And then we saw her, the fearsome beast!
Hemet Nesingwary says: It took all of <name>'s skill to maintain control of Stampy.
Hemet Nesingwary says: The battle was a haze of blood, lead, and sweat. The broodmother's attacks came faster and faster!
Hemet Nesingwary says: But, in the end, <name> and I prevailed through our wits and teamwork. And now we have this glorious trophy as a memento of our victory.
Hemet Nesingwary says: Do I detect a bit of jealousy, Dorian?
Hemet Nesingwary says: This looks like a good perch. Mark the target and signal me when you've sighted the broodmother and are ready to attack.
Hemet Nesingwary says: Here, beastie. Come to Hemet!
Hemet Nesingwary says: Take that, beastie!
Hemet Nesingwary says: How d'you like that one, eh?