King Jokkum says: The deeds of your <race> servant defy <his/her> stature, Stormlord. <His/Her> efforts have succeeded in softening the hearts of my people.
King Jokkum says: Never have such humble words come from mighty Thorim. I shall deliver your words to Dun Niffelem.
King Jokkum says: The events of that dark day are hereby forgiven by my people. They shall never again be spoken of.
King Jokkum says: To signify our reforged friendship, I have something which belongs to you...
King Jokkum says: As the great explosion filled the region, my father cast a rune at the great hammer that it might not be had by our enemies. It was his final act...
King Jokkum says: We welcome the opportunity to fight by your side, mighty Thorim.
King Jokkum says: I must return to Dun Niffilem. We shall speak again soon, Stormlord.