Quick Facts
  • React: A H
  • Requires Lockpicking (5000)

Tanzar's Trunk

The location of this object is unknown.
13270Two-HandDrop, VendorStaff16.67
13270Main HandDrop, VendorFist Weapon16.67
13270Two-HandDrop, VendorStaff16.67
13270Two-HandDrop, VendorTwo-Handed Axe16.67
13270RangedDrop, VendorGun16.67
13270One-HandDrop, VendorDagger16.67
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
8080Cache of the FirelordArmor Token1.667
23280ShoulderCache of the FirelordMail Armor0.806
23280HeadDropPlate Armor0.806
23280WaistCache of the FirelordPlate Armor0.806
23280WaistCache of the FirelordMail Armor0.806
23280WaistCache of the FirelordCloth Armor0.806
23280WaistCache of the FirelordMail Armor0.806
23280WaistCache of the FirelordLeather Armor0.806
23280FingerCache of the FirelordRing0.806
23280TrinketDrop, VendorTrinket0.806
23280FeetCache of the FirelordLeather Armor0.806
23280FeetCache of the FirelordMail Armor0.806
23280FeetCache of the FirelordCloth Armor0.806
23280FeetCache of the FirelordPlate Armor0.806
23280WristCache of the FirelordLeather Armor0.806
23280WristCache of Living StoneCloth Armor0.806
23280FeetCache of the FirelordMail Armor0.806
23280FeetCache of the FirelordPlate Armor0.806
23280ChestCache of the FirelordMail Armor0.806
23280ChestCache of the FirelordMail Armor0.806
23280FingerCache of the FirelordRing0.806
23280BackCache of the FirelordCloak0.806
23280LegsCache of the FirelordPlate Armor0.806
23280HeadCache of the FirelordCloth Armor0.806
23280HandsCache of the FirelordCloth Armor0.806
23280HeadCache of the FirelordCloth Armor0.806
23280HeadCache of the FirelordCloth Armor0.806
23280FingerCache of the FirelordRing0.806
23280LegsCache of the FirelordMail Armor0.806