Quick Facts

The Totem of Infliction

Bring 10 Ghoul Fangs, 10 Skeleton Fingers and 5 Vials of Spider Venom to Madame Eva in Darkshire.
Ghoul Fang (10)
Vial of Spider Venom (5)
Skeleton Finger (10)


As the mystical taint creeps through the forest, the need for self-protection is undeniable, <name>. The winds whisper to me and they speak of a great danger which waits patiently for you in the near future.

If you wish to protect yourself, noble <class>, bring to me 10 ghoul fangs, 10 skeleton fingers and 5 vials of spider venom. For you I shall enchant a Totem of Infliction which will harm those who attempt violent acts against you.




You will receive: 15 60 if completed at level 80
Totem of Infliction


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2,550 experience
  • 350 reputation with Stormwind