Quick Facts

Really Big Worm

Enter the Ice Heart Cavern and slay Rattlebore. If it is still in your possession, be sure to use Zort's Protective Elixir to protect you from the Jormungar's corrosive spit.

Return to Ko'char the Unbreakable in the Crystal Vice when the task is complete.
Rattlebore slain


Suggested players: 3


The jormungar have a spawnmother in the caverns below. We call her Rattlebore - a name that was gifted to her by an adventurer from the Plaguelands. I saw her only briefly as I was fighting off their initial onslaught - she is large enough to make even my icy bones shiver. This cavern will not be ours until she is removed from it.

Gather your friends and end this.




You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Thin Jormungar Legwraps
Rattlebore Slayer Leggings
Ice Heart Chestguard
Crystalplate Legguards
You will also receive: 16 80  (or 31 74 if completed at level 80)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 31,150 experience

The Player can accept this quest, if the condition is met.

The Player has finished Apply This Twice A Day