Quick Facts

Wanted: Dreadtalon

Slay Dreadtalon and return to Captain Gort at Agmar's Hammer in the Dragonblight.
Dreadtalon slain


Suggested players: 3


By decree of Overlord Agmar:

Target: Dreadtalon

Crime: Attacks upon the Horde

Status: Alive

Dreadtalon is wanted for numerous attacks upon Horde caravans traveling to and from Venomspite.

Dreadtalon makes his home on a bluff overlooking the Ruby Dragonshrine, east of Agmar's Hammer. He should be approached with extreme caution. Do not engage solo!

All bounties are paid out by Captain Gort at Agmar's Hammer.




You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Feathers of the Dragon Wastes
Lothalar Woodwalker Shoulders
Ridgehunter Chestguard
Dreadtalon's Clutch
You will also receive: 11 20  (or 23 65 if completed at level 80)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain: