Quick Facts

Chug and Chuck!

Use the Complimentary Brewfest Sampler to hit S.T.O.U.T. 5 times, then talk to Bizzle Quicklift.
S.T.O.U.T. Hit (5)


Those pesky Dark Irons are back! We need to make sure that you can defend yourself if needed. More importantly, we need to know that you can defend our property!

S.T.O.U.T. here is ready for action, are you? Drink from the Complimentary Brewfest Samplers then throw the mug at S.T.O.U.T.! Hit the target 5 times then talk to me.




You will receive:
Brewfest Prize Token
This quest will be converted to Chug and Chuck! if you transfer to Alliance.