Quick Facts

A Sister's Pledge

Look for Anya in the Duskhowl Den near Solstice Village.


Please, <name>. I know it is Arugal you're after. I swear on my father's memory I will help you take him down.

But I must beg you... Anya is completely innocent, we cannot leave her with these savages.

Help me rescue my sister and you'll have me at your side when you face Arugal.

I know the den Anatoly spoke of. We'll find it on the other side of this hill. Let's go, my sister's in danger.



You will receive: 6 30 if completed at level 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 10,500 experience

The Player can accept this quest, if the condition is met.

Every one of these conditions must be met to satisfy the requirement.

The Player has finished Sasha's Hunt
The Player has finished Anatoly Will Talk