Crusader Forward Camp
Seek out Crusader MacKellar at the Crusader Forward Camp in Zul'Drak.Description
Crusader Dargath, Crusader MacKellar, Engineer Reed and the twins, Gerk and Burr, were sent to the Dead Fields to establish a battle front days ago. As of my last correspondence with them, they had successfully established a camp on the border of the Dead Fields, northwest of here.In light of this newfound information about Drakuru and Prince Navarius I think it would be prudent to send someone to the Crusader Forward Camp post-haste.
Pack up your belongings, <name>. You must leave at once!
You will receive: 3 15 if completed at level 80Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 5,250 experience
- 25 reputation with Argent Crusade