Quick Facts
Closes Quests

Gem Perfection

Return two Huge Citrines, two Dark Jade and two Shadow Crystals to Ounhulo in Valgarde.
Huge Citrine (2)
Dark Jade (2)
Shadow Crystal (2)


It has the cold of the Icewyrm's breath up here does it not? Not only do I lack customers for my crafting skills, but I also lack stock of gems to sell! If you can bring me several uncut gems to replenish my stocks, I can teach you the skill of gem perfection. This will allow you to sometimes cut a perfect gem with increased bonuses when cutting a uncommon quality gem from Northrend.




The following spell will be cast on you: (Gem Perfection is displayed)
Gem Perfection
You will receive: 6 63 if completed at level 80
Small Velvet Bag


Upon completion of this quest you will gain: