Quick Facts
Opens Quests

The Rider of Frost

Vereth the Cunning on the Rise of Suffering wants you to kill Sapph, the Rider of Frost.
Sapph slain


Suggested players: 5


Sapph... Sapph's a death knight like no other. She'll shower you with sweet words and you'll swear that she has no evil within her heart, and then she'll run you through without even breaking her smile.

I have no fear that you'll be able to best Sapph, but do not grow overconfident. Her strength lies in lulling her victims into a false ease, shortly before shattering them with a fierce barrage of frost attacks.

Do not let your guard down, and do not underestimate her.




You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Axe of the Cunning
Frost Climber's Hatchet
Icy Quick Edge
Sapph's Cleaver
You will also receive: 14 80  (or 31 33 if completed at level 80)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

The Player can accept this quest, if the condition is met.

Every one of these conditions must be met to satisfy the requirement.

The Player has finished Generosity Abounds
The Player has finished Matchmaker
The Player has finished Stunning View