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The Rider of Blood

Vereth the Cunning on the Rise of Suffering wants you to kill Baelok, the Rider of Blood.
Baelok slain


Suggested players: 5


Baelok is one of the few vrykul that I've ever seen rise through the ranks, and that was mostly accomplished through sheer brutality. If your competition ends up dead, there's far less to compete against.

When you join battle with him, spread out from your companions and keep your distance as much as you reasonably can. He will not hesitate to steal your life force for himself, so you will need to hinder his ability to do so as much as possible.

You have my confidence. See to it that he dies.




You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Blood-forged Circle
Grotesque Butcher's Pants
Blood-stalker's Cover
Breastplate of Splattered Blood
You will also receive: 14 80  (or 31 33 if completed at level 80)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

The Player can accept this quest, if the condition is met.

Every one of these conditions must be met to satisfy the requirement.

The Player has finished Generosity Abounds
The Player has finished Matchmaker
The Player has finished Stunning View