Battle at Valhalas: Carnage!
Geirrvif at Valhalas has challenged you to defeat Carnage.Should you succeed, speak with Gjonner the Merciless overlooking the southern lip of Valhalas.
| Carnage Defeated |
| Suggested players: 5 |
You've been successful up to this point, <name>, but what you must face to continue to battle within Valhalas is a gigantic horror beyond imagining.I must warn you to turn away now. Carnage is a mountain of flesh constructed by the Lich King's most fiendish minds.
I do not see how you and your friends will defeat it. However, the choice is yours.
You will receive: 22 20 (or 42 6 if completed at level 80)Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 33,100 experience