Quick Facts

Back To The Orphanage

Return your ward to the Dalaran orphanage by handing in the Oracle Orphan Whistle to Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran.
Oracle Orphan Whistle


We had the best time with you, <name>. We wish you could be our <daddy /mama> now, but you have to take us back to Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran.

Maybe you could come visit us again sometime? We loved meeting Winterfin hatchlings and getting to see the dragon queen. No one will believe us when we say we met a Great One!

We going to miss you, <name>. We promise to write letter sometime, oki?




You will receive: 6 63 if completed at level 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3 experience

You will receive this letter by Orphan Matron Aria after 6 hours

From Roo
Dear <name>,

We miss you a lot. Everybody likes our story about meeting the Great One and now they all want to meet a Great One too. They don't believe some of our stories. They think we made up dragon queen and dragonshrine stories. They just jealous.

Life at orphanage is better these days. Matron takes us out to play in the park and sometimes we even get new toys, but we still lonely. We want to come visit with you. Maybe you take us some more places? You like that?

Your friend,