Bingles' Missing Supplies
Find and return Bingles' supplies:Bingles' Wrench, Bingles' Screwdriver, Bingles' Hammer, and Bingles' Blastencapper.
Bingles' Wrench | |
Bingles' Screwdriver | |
Bingles' Hammer | |
Bingles' Blastencapper |
As if crashing into the Loch wasn't bad enough, troggs from the nearby island attacked me and stole my tools and special Blastenheimer Blastencapper explosives. With no gyrocopter and no explosives, the movement has no chance!Get my tools back and find my Blastencapper explosives, <name>. For Gnomeregan!
You will receive: 7 (or 13 60 if completed at level 80)Bingles' Flying Gloves |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 1,050 experience
- 250 reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles