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The Perfect Stout

Bring 6 Shimmerweeds to Rejold Barleybrew in the Brewnall Village.
Shimmerweed (6)


I'm on a quest, a quest to make the perfect stout. I know I can do it -- brewing's in my blood. I just need to find the right recipe...

The Frostmane trolls grow a plant, shimmerweed, high up in the hills to the east. They use it in their strange, tribal rituals. We dwarves haven't found much use for it, but it has a unique taste...and I want to experiment with it in my brews!

Get me some shimmerweed from Frostmane seers, or swipe it from the trolls' shimmerweed baskets.




You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Ivy-weave Bracers Goat Fur Cloak
You will also receive: 4 80 if completed at level 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain: