Quick Facts
  • Level: 70
  • Requires Level 67
  • Type: Heroic
  • Side: Horde
  • Races: Horde
  • Start: Drisella
  • Sharable
  • Difficulty: 67  68  73  84

Imprisoned in the Citadel

Rescue Captain Boneshatter inside Hellfire Citadel before he is executed.

This quest must be completed in Heroic dungeon difficulty.
Captain Boneshatter Rescued


I was fortunate to escape Kargath's prison today, <name>. Several prisoners are scheduled to be executed, an important officer among them.

It would be a huge blow against our forces if Captain Boneshatter was slain. You must do what you can to rescue him. I'm too weak to go on...



You will receive: 13 20  (or 14 34 if completed at level 80)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 19,000 experience
  • 500 reputation with Thrallmar
This quest will be converted to Imprisoned in the Citadel if you transfer to Alliance.