Quick Facts
  • Requires Level 34
  • Class: Hunter
  • Training cost: 1 20

Explosive Trap

Explosive TrapRank 1
19% of base mana
Instant30 sec cooldown
Place a fire trap that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing RAP*0.1+100 to RAP*0.1+130 Fire damage and burning all enemies for 15*10+RAP additional Fire damage over 20 sec to all within 10 yards. Trap will exist for 30 sec. Only one trap can be active at a time.

Spell Details

Duration 30 seconds
School Fire
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category n/a
Cost 19% of base mana
Range 0 yards (Self Only)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown n/a
GCD 1.5 seconds
Effect #1 Summon Object Slot2: (Explosive Trap)
Radius: 2 yards