Quick Facts
  • Requires Level 24
  • Class: Druid
  • Training cost: 40


RakeRank 1
40 EnergyMelee Range
Requires Cat Form
Rake the target for AP/100+17 bleed damage and an additional 30*3+AP*0.18 damage over 9 sec. Awards 1 combo point.


Bleeding for 30 damage every 3 seconds.
9 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Duration 9 seconds
School Physical
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category n/a
Cost 40 Energy
Range 5 yards (Combat Range)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown n/a
GCD 1 second
Scaling +1.00% of attack power to direct component
+6.00% of attack power per tick
Effect #1 School Damage:
Value: 17
Mechanic: Bleeding
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Periodic Damage
Value: 30
Interval: 3 seconds
Mechanic: Bleeding
Effect #3 Add Combo Points:
Value: 1