Quick Facts
  • Requires Level 60
  • Script: spell_dk_summon_gargoyle

Summon Gargoyle

Summon Gargoyle
60 Runic Power30 yd range
Instant3 min cooldown
A Gargoyle flies into the area and bombards the target with Nature damage modified by the Death Knight's attack power. Persists for 30 sec.


Summon Gargoyle
Under attack from a Gargoyle.
40 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Duration 40 seconds
School Shadow
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category n/a
Cost 60 Runic Power
Range 30 yards (Medium Range)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown 3 minutes
GCD 1.5 seconds
Effect #1 Summon: (Ebon Gargoyle)
Value: 1
Radius: 3 yards
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Periodic Dummy
Value: 30
Interval: 1 second
Effect #3 Trigger Spell:
Summon Gargoyle