Quick Facts
  • Mode: Heroic / Normal 25
  • Script: spell_xt002_searing_light_spawn_life_spark

Searing Light

Searing Light
Instant4 sec cooldown
Charges the target with divine energy, causing them to sear nearby allies for 9 sec.


Searing Light
Damage taken every 1 sec.
Dealing damage to nearby allies.
9 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Duration 9 seconds
School Holy, Arcane
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category n/a
Cost None
Range 0 yards (Self Only)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown n/a
GCD 0 seconds
Effect #1 Apply Aura: Periodic Trigger Spell
Radius: 500 yards
Interval: 1 second
Searing Light
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Periodic Dummy
Value: 3500
Radius: 500 yards
Interval: 1 second