Quick Facts
  • Mode: Normal / Normal 10
  • Script: spell_lich_king_infection


60 yd range
2 sec cast
Deals 6598 to 7402 Shadow damage to all enemy players within 50000 yards. In addition, the targets will take increasing Shadow damage per second. This effect is removed when the target has more than 90% health.


Deals increasing Shadow damage per second.
Removed when target has more than 90% health.

Spell Details

Duration n/a
School Shadow
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category n/a
Cost None
Range 60 yards (Extra Long Range)
Cast time 2 seconds
Cooldown n/a
GCD 0 seconds
Effect #1 Apply Aura: Periodic Damage
Value: 1000
Radius: 50000 yards
Interval: 1 second
Effect #2 School Damage:
Value: 6598 to 7402
Radius: 50000 yards