The Great Fras Siabi
Recover a box of Fras Siabi's Premium Tobacco.Grimm's Premium Tobacco |
Men as far as Kul Tiras spoke of the legendary Fras Siabi's premium tobacco. It was a delicacy enjoyed by every single person of importance that visited Stratholme. King Terenas, Uther the Lightbringer, Highlord Fordring...yes, they all enjoyed Siabi's specialty.Sadly, Fras stayed in his shop when Stratholme was invaded, swearing on his life that the Scourge would never touch his tobacco. Venture forth and see if even one bit remains is worth it's weight in gold, I assure you.
You will receive: 2 67 (or 5 25 if completed at level 80)Smokey's Lighter |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 14,300 experience