Quick Facts
Closes Quests

The Great Fras Siabi

Find Fras Siabi's smoke shop in Stratholme and recover a box of Siabi's Premium Tobacco. Return to Smokey LaRue when the job is done.
Grimm's Premium Tobacco


Terrible thing... what happened to Fras. You see, the town was sacked and Fras didn't want to leave his precious goods behind. The last thing I remember him saying was, 'I'll burn every last leaf before they get their damned, dirty hands on them!'

I may love a good stogie but I'm no fool. I left Fras and his delightful store that day. I assume he went down in flames but if there's a chance that even one box of his famous tobacco is still intact...

What do you say, <name>? Find a box for ol' Smokey?




You will receive: 87 if completed at level 80
Smokey's Lighter


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 14,300 experience