The Great Fras Siabi
Find Fras Siabi's smoke shop in Stratholme and recover a box of Siabi's Premium Tobacco. Return to Smokey LaRue when the job is done.Grimm's Premium Tobacco |
Terrible thing... what happened to Fras. You see, the town was sacked and Fras didn't want to leave his precious goods behind. The last thing I remember him saying was, 'I'll burn every last leaf before they get their damned, dirty hands on them!'I may love a good stogie but I'm no fool. I left Fras and his delightful store that day. I assume he went down in flames but if there's a chance that even one box of his famous tobacco is still intact...
What do you say, <name>? Find a box for ol' Smokey?
You will receive: 87 if completed at level 80Smokey's Lighter |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 14,300 experience